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Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Every part of LFS costs 14 Pound(right word? )
So if you have paid 50$, it was 25$ for S1, and 25$ for S2, so S3 will cost 25$
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Wait a bit and get the Logitech G25.

If you have enough money, wait for the VPP-Wheel, and get the VPP-Pedals too.

If you wanna spend less 100€, go and get the Logitech DFP.
If you wanna spend less 50€ and not scared of fixing pedals, get the Momo-Racing.
And if you just wanna a very cheap Wheel, get the Logitech Wingman FormulaForce GP.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :hi i was looking through the hotlaps list and wr, when i wondered how many people had actually done better times than the ones shown, but just dont upload them to lfs world. whats your opinion?

In HotLaps you are alone.
And you have to stay on track and can´t hit the wall.
Also no wind in Hotlap.

And yeah, many ppl don´t use Hotlap.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
I use middle grafic-settings, and have 90FPs alone, 40-60 with AI or online.
It runs on
1GB 333MHz
9800pro 128MB/256Bit

You have serious PC-Problems, if you can´t play it on that specs.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
I would make a challenge.
Something like 8 races, every week 1 race of 1 hour.

And i would give licences to:
- the best driver (most points in all races)
- the driver with most fairness (who also breaks to avoid a crash, and lose places in the races for fairness)
- most active driver (lottery at players who drove every race)

See, you would need 3 licence, min 1 demo-server, much time to organice the events.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Quote from kuba.g :Man that sucks I'm not buying it unless you can bypass this somehow.... :cry: :cry:

It's such a good game but why on earth am I not allowed to race against my friends when I pay the 24 pounds??
I'm not going to pay dubble the price to be able to race with 4 computers.

One customer less for LFS because of dumb terms of usage

Yeah, it isn´t fair that the Devs wanna get money to live from.
They should spend all their time into LFS, without getting any Cent.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
yeah, the racing-suits.

But where are the skin-files, this tool is using?
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Where can i find the Skins, this program is using?
In my LFS-Install i can´t find em, in the folder of the Tool i only see the jpgs the tool is showing, but not the skin.
Last edited by Sven Menkhoff, .
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :@Fullbeam:
Use online dictionaries like this when you don't know how to translate a word.

THX, i tryed the translater, and it couldn´t tell me that it´s for the lights.

Quote :
Probably for later,

can somebody tell me for what it is, for sure?

I wanna write a Tutorial for this Tool in german, and there i would preffer to know what i write. Not only think what it can be.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
I need some help for some functions.

I´m german, and i don´t know that: "Fullbeam" should be.
And the "Oil Warn", i know what Oil-warn means, but i have no idea for what i can need it in LFS. There is no Oil anywhere. Not on the Track, even no Oil-Tems.

So i hope somebody can tell me, for what are these functions.

sry for my bad english.

greez Sven
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Thank you much.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed

Is there really nobody who got this tool?
I can´t believe that.

Please help me out guys.

greez Sven
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :It has arcade mode....yyyyw. But I guess that after you test the demo and play LFS next time you remember why you like this more than GTR.

you hit it.

I played the GTR2-Demo, and i hate it.
Before LFS i played GTR, and i liked GTR much.
The bad Community, bad public racing, and the damn multiplayer-bugs destroyed the fun.
That brought me to LFS, and i love LFS.
I never installed GTR since i got my LFS-Licence, and after testing the GTR2-Demo i know how much i love LFS.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
The download won´t work for me, i only get a broken file.
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Does it happen always, or only if you´re using LFS and TS2?

Sometimes i have that problem too, it happens if i start TS2 before LFS.
Shut down LFS and TS2, and restart LFS and then TS2 works fine.

So it also can be that.
Otherwise: Check if your Anti-Vir is turned off.(Norton never gets off untill it´s deinstalled)
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Take a look in the deb.log File.

It should look like this:

timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
load bans
load font
create english file
kb : Latin 1
init controllers
default light map
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation

Otherwise, check the setup.cfg.

And if you can connect to your LFS-Server, and it´s only not showing in Lobby, forget what i have written
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
thx for the Link Da Hoe.
You didn´t find it, cause i didn´t post it there
I will make it right now.
german Rookie-Cups with the GTR´s
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Sorry to all foreign LFS-Players, but these Events are only for germans, yet.
International Events will follow, and we will present them in english.
For now, we keep it german, so please sorry for the german Event-Details.


Hi Jungs,

wir veranstallten eine kurze Meisterschaft in den GTR´s für Rookies.
Es sind alle Fahrer willkommen, jedoch erhoffen wir uns, gerade die etwas langsameren Fahrer Wilkommen heissen zu dürfen.

Auch wir gehören noch zu den Rookie´s, und erhoffen uns mit der Veranstalltung gute Rennen, in denen das Fahrerfeld ausgeglichen ist, und JEDER die Chance auf den Sieg hat.
Die meisten Ligen sind nunmal gefüllt mit sehr erfahrenen Fahrern, die uns Rookie´s quasi nur als bewegliche Hindernisse mit im Rennen haben.

Settings und Rennablauf:

GameType: S2
Tag: immer Freitags, ab dem 11.11.05
Beginn: 20.00
Fahrzeuge: Alle GTR´s (UF-GTR, XF-GTR, XR-GTR, FX-GTR, FZ-GTR)
Training: 20.00 - 20.30
Qualiifying: 20.35 - 21.05
Rennstart: 21.10
Renndauer: ca. 1 Std (Die Rundenzahl variiert je nach Strecke)

Weitere Info´s und Anmeldung auf unserer Racing-Page:

Dies erste Event hat zwar schon begonnen, aber noch ist alles offen.
Da erst ein Rennen gefahren wurde.

>WP< S. Menkhoff
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
Thank you very much.
This was want i wanted to get off:
display_fixed_table($TeamMembers, $LfsUsers, $InGameName);

Now it works like i want to have it
WolfPack-Racing Team
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
We´re the:

WolfPack-Racing Team

Actual Page:
The Page is only in german, yet. But the PHP-System contains Mulit-Language, and we will use it as soon as we need it.

We play LFS and GTR.

>WP< S.Menkhoff (Sven Menkhoff)
>WP< Lars Rode (BryneStorm)
>WP< A.Rogge (JayJayOne)

>WP< JAyJayOne
>WP< Jonny English
>WP< Pitter

WolfPack-Racing (S2-Server with 20Slot)
WolfPack-Racing Demo (Demo-Server with 11Slot)


We´re not the fastest Racers, but we always work on it, to be fair and good Racers.
Last edited by Sven Menkhoff, .
Sven Menkhoff
S2 licensed
This Script is great.
But i have a lil Problem with it.
I only wanna use the upper part of it, cause the lower part is too wide for our Page.
How can i remove the lower part?

greez S.Menkhoff